Why Choose Solar?

Why Choose Solar

The source of solar energy – the sun – is nearly limitless and can be accessed anywhere on earth at one time or another. It would take around 10 million acres of land – or only 0.4% of the area of the United States – to allow enough space for solar photovoltaics (PV) to supply all of our nation’s electricity.

Solar panel installation costs are way down. The cost of solar panel installation is less than ½ price per watt compared to the $8.50 per watt 10 years ago.

During this same time, new technologies have boosted the efficiency of solar power generation by more than 100% and Sunshine Solar USA offers only the top-tier solar products primarily made in the USA.

Silicon solar cells can withstand the test of time. Today’s Tier-One panels come with warranties for more than 25-years and Sunshine Solar partners with Omnidian to offer an industry-leading solar power production guarantee so no matter what the reason is you will get paid for any reduction in any given year.

Solar can help restart the grid if it goes down. Typically, a signal from a spinning turbine-like that from a coal or natural gas plant-is required to “Set the beat” of the grid. Now DOE research supports advanced solar system that can take the lead, restarting the grid if no spinning turbine is available.

Solar has been one of the top three new sources of generation added to the grid in the last seven years. In fact, solar provided 30% of the new electricity produced in the United States in 2019, up from 4% in 2010.

Solar is an economic engine-about 250,000 people work in the U.S. solar industry these days and there are more than 10,000 solar businesses around the country.

By going solar you are helping to create jobs and helping your neighbors by relieving pressure off the grid.

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